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Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

The Theory of Advertising Language

The Theory of Advertising Language

Reference: http://www.marketing91.com/advertising-theory/

Advertising has numerous objectives which includes communicating with potential customers as well as pursuading them to adopt a particular product or develop a preference towards the product for repeat purchase which ultimately results in brand loyalty. Advertising Theory or theories therefore try to explain how and why advertising is effective in influencing behaviors and accomplishing its objectives.

There are numerous theories on advertising. Most theories of advertising generally propose that the effectiveness of advertising is dependent on the main practices being carried out including more exposure towards the brand or repetitive advertising. In other words, most theories sugest that if you want a consumer to like a product or a brand continously then simply expost the consumer to a product or brands advertising such that there are certain feelings and expectations attached towards the rand itself. Advertising theories also make use of content specification, Specific message and media characteristics, consumer characteristics, product/service characteristics, and competitive actions.

As it is often said that ‘half of all advertising doesn’t work,’ aiming to understand and apply the many general and specific principles forming advertising theory may potentially do much to increase the likelihood that any particular advertising campaign or advertising strategy will be effective and accomplish its intended objectives. Marketers must therefore seek to understand the factors that influence advertising’s effectiveness and ineffectiveness relative to intended objectives and particular contexts to be able to judiciously apply such knowledge. Even experi-enced firms can make advertising missteps, such as allowing the firm’s ad agency to create an advertisement that is memorable and consistent with some elements of advertising theory (e.g. persuading with emotion for a low-involvement purchase) but not fully realizing until after it has aired that the ad runs counter to other principles associated with advertising theory (e.g. emphasizing those emotions that are desired to be positively associated with the brand).

The Language of Advertising

By: Peter Sells and Sierra Gonzales

Reference : http://www.stanford.edu/class/linguist34/Unit_07/is_it_normal.htm

Unit 7: Words and phrases used in advertising
Is advertising language normal language?

• Is advertising language normal language?
• Does advertising language sometimes break the rules of normal language?

These questions relate to the place of advertising language in the context of the readers' general knowledge of language (we will presume that the language is English). In order to answer them, we must have some conception of what is meant by "normal language". The English language has evolved to have many different kinds of functionality, each of which correspond to different situations and styles of use. From an analytic point of view, it seems to make most sense to understand "normal language" to include the variety of styles of English that mature speakers and readers control. This will form the backdrop of everyday language in its many functions, against which we can view advertising language.

If one looks around in literature on advertising, or searches on the WWW, it is not uncommon to find claims to the effect that advertising breaks the rules of normal language and language use. However, from the perspective of a professional linguist, few of these claims really seem to be supportable. Now, with the exception of linguists, few people have any reason to pay close attention to the way that language is actually used in its speech community, for a wide range of communicative functions. Like many aspects of human being and human behavior, our unconscious knowledge of language is much greater than our conscious knowledge of it, so the facts about language that are immediately accessible to the average person only cover part of what the language is and how it is used.

Collect some text from advertisements that you have found. Can you find any examples of words, phrases or constructions that are truly different from the various varieties that you encounter on a regular basis? These varieties may include informal spoken language between close friends to technical and scientific descriptions (more likely to be written), and everything in between. Doubtless, not all of the text you find will be standard English, but is any of it not English at all? In doing this exercise, it may be that you will learn more about what creative possibilities your language allows, rather than how much advertising goes beyond the boundaries of that language.

In a recent short article in the journal Nature, Pullum and Scholz (2001) point out that, at every level, language has a level of creativity that allows it to be ever-expanding, ever-changing. Even the idea that there is a stock of words which constitute the English language cannot be upheld, because it is always possible to invent new words, and new names in particular. Thus, "Here is my new invention; I call it "X" " is a strategy in everyday English which advertisers can take advantage of, when they state "Introducing the all-new "Y" ".

In an interesting coincidence which illustrates the point very clearly, the Dreamweaver® program which we have used to construct this website has the command "Indent" to indent a paragraph, and we used it to format the quote below from McQuarrie and Micks. In the command menu, the command after this one is "Outdent", which makes a paragraph wider. Neither of us had seen this word before, yet we understood its meaning, and certainly did not reject it as "non-English".

This is not to say that any random new word can be generated for the author's purposes in any context. The "Outdent" example above is presented in a very clear context, which makes apprehending its usage and meaning quite clear. We generally find that novel words presented in an advertisement have the same supporting context; they may be new, but they are not "out of the blue". The work of McQuarrie and Mick (1996) is highly relevant in this context. They place advertising language in the context of the study of rhetoric, and observe:

"A rhetorical figure has traditionally been defined as an artful deviation (Corbett 1990). More formally, a rhetorical figure occurs when an expression deviates from expectation, the expression is not rejected as nonsensical or faulty, the deviation occurs at the level of form rather than content, and the deviation conforms to a template that is invariant across a variety of content and contexts. This definition supplies the standard against which deviation is to be measured (i.e., expectations), sets a limit on the amount and kind of deviation (i.e., short of a mistake), locates the deviation at the level of the formal structure of a text, and imposes a grouping requirement (i.e., there are a limited number of templates, each with distinct characteristics)."

The unusual aspects of language that we sometimes find in advertising can be fruitfully considered to be examples of "artful deviations".

36.3 VW ad (Rolling Stone, May 23, 2002): Heck, it's been re-everything-ed.

This new verb is coined on the basis of a very robust feature of English, which allows nouns to be used as verbs (see Clark and Clark (1979)). In this case, the new verb is also prefixed and suffixed. Out of the blue, "to re-everything" would be hard to interpret, but in the context provided by the advertisement, its meaning is clear.

In the summer of 2002 the pop group No Doubt had a hit song called "Hella Good"; some of the lyrics are shown here:

Hella Good (G. Stefani/ T. Dumont/ P. Williams/ C. Hugo/ T. Kanal)

You got me feeling hella good
So let's just keep on dancing
You hold me like you should
So I'm gonna keep on dancing
(Keep on dancing)

"Hella good" is not advertising language, and it is not standard English, but it is certainly "pop music English", and it is the kind of phrase that anyone could produce in conversation.

In 48 Cointreau (InStyle, August 2002) we find an example of a blend, "Be Cointreauversial".

Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Perjuangan Hidupku.

Kini, hidupku telah terombang ambing tak menentu . . .

Bagaikan kapal yang melaju ditengah badai dan ombak . . .

Yang takkan hancur walau terhempas dari ketinggian . . .

Dan terus akan melaju tanpa arah dan tujuan yang pasti . .

Demikian halnya dengan perjuanganku yang terus melaju,

Mengarungi kehidupan yang kering,

Tanpa cinta, tanpa kasih dan tanpa rindu . . .

Semua terasa hampa. . .

Namun, perjuanganku akan teRus meLaju tanpa pernah berhenti,

Hingga pada akhirnya bagaikan kapal,

Yang sedikit demi sedikit ia tak mampu lagi melaju diatas air . . .

Demikianlah akhir dari perjuanganku, yang akan berhenti melaju . . .

Dan akan tetanam diladang kehidupan,

Bukan karena penderitaan,

Dan bukan pula karena kekejaman dari siapapun!!

Tapi . . .

Karena usia yang terhenti,

Dimakan oleh sang waktu . . .


Ketulusan Cinta

Dedaunan hijau, membuatku bangkit,

Membuat aku bangkit dari tidur lelap,

Membawa aku keluar dari kegelapan,

Seperti itulah dirimu hadir dalam hatiku,

Engkau sosok yang aku harapkan,

Kesederhanaanmu. . .

Kebiasaanmu . .

Menjadi bunga-bunga dalam setiap kesendirianku . . .

Kesendirianku dalam dunia yang gelap,

Selalu menjanjikan luka yang dalam,

Namun . . .

Kini kau hadir dalam kegelapanku,

E’kau hadir mambawa secercah fajar

Yang membuat jiwaku terang dan damai,

Ketakutanku dikala aku sendiri,

Lenyap seketika berganti dengan kasih . . .

Aq Berjanji pada diri . . .

Kan ku bawa kau dengan cinta dalam hidupku . . .

Takkan kulepaskan kau . . .

Disaat waktu kan berganti . . .

Maupun hingga aku tak mampu bangkit . . .

Kembali . . .



Hati . . .

MaAfkAn aQ yAng sElaLu mElukAi diRimu . . .

KaRenA pErbUataN jiWaku . . . e‘kAu hArus tErLuka . . .

Aku taHu . . . luKa iTu bEgHitu sAkit . . .

MunGkin e‘kAu bAnyAk tErsiKsa didAlam saNa . . .

MaaFkan aQ hAti . . .

KaRena aQ tiDak dApat mEmbuAt e’Kau bAHagia . . .

AnDai saJa e’Kau dApaT bErtUkar tEmpat . . .

MunGkin e’Kau tiDak inGin Lagi tiNggaL didalaM aQ . . .

Aq jUga tAhu . . . Sudah bEgiThu bEraT bEbaN-bEbaN inI . . .

HaTi . . .

BanTu aQ hArus dEngaN cAra apA,

Aq daPat bUatmu tErsenyUm ? ?

HarUs bAgaiMana,

AgaR e’Kau tEtap bEtah diaM & TinGGal diDalam aQ ? ?

aQ sUdah tiDak tAhu . . .

Aq LelaH . . . tEtapi, aQ tiDak biSa Lari dAri hIDup iNi . . .

Hati . . .

KaMu tAhu . . . diSaaT e’kAu tErLuka,

jiWaku jUga ikUt meRasaKan Luka iTu . . .hinGga aiR matA inI mEngaLir . . .

Aq tAhu dAn sAdar . . .

E’kaU tiDak dApat tErsEnyum dEngan aiR mata iNi . . .

TeTapi, hANya iTulah yAng dapAt aQ pErbUat. . .

HaTi . . .

TeriMakaish e’Kau tEtap mAu tiNggaL didALam aQ . . .

WaLaupUn e’Kau tErLuka . . .

EngKau tEtap tEgar diDaLam hiDupku . . .

Aq bAngga kEpadAmu, hAtiku . . .

TeTapLah tErsenYum bAgi jiWakU yAng Lemah . . .

Imajinatif banget ciee.....


Didalam dunia ini kita tidak menemukan hanya satu jenis negara saja. Dunia ini luas berbagai jenis ragam didalamnya. Banyaknya juga tak terhingga. Dengan demikian, untuk mempermudah terjadinya kamunikasi, makanya manusia di bagi berdasarkan suku bangsa. Salah satunya bangsa kita. Yaitu bangsa Indonesia. Bangsa Indonesia sendiri dibagi lagi berdasarkan suku. Termasuk didalamnya, adat, bahasa, warna kulit, dll. Bagsa Indonesia sangat subur, alamnya juga sangat indah. Setiap negara sangat mengagumi bagsa kita. Siapapun yang menjadi bangsa Indonesia, dia pasti merasa bangga. Disini penulis akan memaparkan beberapa alasan mengapa Indonesia begitu dikagumi oleh setiap bangsa.

  1. Alam.

Alam adalah salah satu bagian yang sangat membuat bangsa lain merasa iri dan ingin sekali memiliki keindahan alam Indonesia tsb. Keindahan alam yang alami, yang apabila kita melihatnya dipagi hari, maka keindahan alam tersebut jelas terpancar dengan sangat indah di sertai sorot matahari. Ada banyak jenis alam yang bisa dinikmati oleh bangsa Indonesia. Seperti; bermacam-macam danau yang tersebar ditiap bagian Indonesia, air terjun yang sangat terlihat indah karena berpadu dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan, suara kicauan burung dan binatang-binatang yang unik lainnya, tidak hanya itu, perbukitan juga banyak ditemukan dialam Indonesia yang tersebar disetiap daerah. Perbukitan yang menjulang tinggi yang membuat hati bergumam, “wow…amazing!”…. Banyak hal yang dapat dinikmati di alam bangsa Indonesia ini. Segala sesuatunya tertata dengan rapi. Kecerdasan orang-orang Indonesia untuk membuat alam itu semangkin memikat, adalah suatu anugrah yang luar biasa dari Tuhan. Setiap orang yang menikmati keindahan alam tersebut, mereka tidak pernah berniat merusak apalagi mengotorinya. Justru, para pengunjung tersebut ikut memperbaiki bagian-bagian yang mereka rasa kurang menarik. Sunggu sangat mengagumkan. Inilah yang membuat bangsa lain merasa sangat iri, karena alam Indonesia, tidaklah hanya dirawat oleh seseorang yang ahli dalam bidang tersebut, melainkan semua bangsa Indonesia, ikut melindungi alam tersebut. Mereka memiliki kesadaran bahwa alam tersebut adalah jantung bangsa mereka. Mereka sungguh mencintai alam milik mereka. Ini baru satu dari sekian bagian dari Indonesia yang menarik.

  1. Manusia.

Setelah alam, masyarakat Indonesia juga merupakan bagian yang sangat membanggakan. Mengapa? Ada apa dengan masyarakat Indonesia? Yah, benar. Banyak bangsa lain yang mengatakan, orang Indonesia itu unik, menarik, cerdas, ramah, pekerja keras dan sangat ulet. Itu terlihat jelas dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mereka. Mereka dikatakan cerdas, mereka tahu melakukan apa yang terbaik buat bangsa. Disini ada beberapa contoh yang bisa dibagikan:

  1. Mereka tahu jika melanggar lalu lintas itu, maka akan merugikan diri sendiri, karena mereka berfikir, jika kecelakaan itu terjadi, maka akan memungkinkan nyawa mereka melayang, atau mereka akan mengeluarkan biaya besar untuk memperbaiki kerusakan yang terjadi. Jadi, mereka memilih untuk menaati peraturan lalu lintas. Hal ini menyebabkan jalanan yang ada di Indonesia, sangat terlihat rapih, bersih dan tertib.

  1. Indonesia bukanlah termasuk negara yang suka makan uang negara. Karena kecerdasan yang dimiliki masyarakat Indonesia, membuat mereka bisa berfikir bahwa, bagaimana bisa memajukan bangsa Indonesia ini, jika uang yang seharusnya untuk memajukan tiap daerah di Indonesia dimakan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin Negara. Dari sini bisa dinilai bahwa rasa solidaritas bangsa Indonesia sangat tinggi. Selain itu juga, didalam diri masyarakat Indonesia, tidak ada ditemukan rasa keegoisan. Yang mana hal ini merupakan musuh terbesar dibagian Negara yang ada didunia. Semua berjalan begitu rapih, aman, dan tentram. Tidak ada tanda-tanda yang menyebabkan nilai Indonesia ini menurun dimata Negara lain. Inilah hal yang tidak dimiliki bangsa lain. Sebuah Negara, akan bisa maju, jika masyarakatnya ikut mendukung segala hal tentang program pemerintah. Hal ini telah dibuktikan oleh bangsa Indonesia. Maka, sangat wajar jika bangsa Indonesia menjadi contoh bagi Negara-negara lain. Padahal semua bangsa tahu, bahwa bangsa Indonesia itu terdiri dari berbagai macam suku dan agama. Tetapi, semua terlihat aman, akur dan damai. Suku yang satu tidak pernah menjelekan suku yang lain, malah mereka saling tolong menolong dan memperlengkapi, tidak hanya pada suku, demikian halnya agama, yang mana bagi Negara lain hal ini masih sangat sensitif. Tidak halnya dengan masyarakat Indonesia. Bagi bangsa Indonesia, perbedaan suku dan agama, itu adalah sesuatu hal yang sangat unik yang tidak dimiliki oleh Negara lain, sehingga Indonesia ingin menunjukan bahwa walaupun Negara Indonesia ini terdiri dari bermacam suku dan agama, namun rasa solidaritas tetap terjaga. Bagi bangsa Indonesia “perbedaan bukanlah menjadi penghalang untuk memajukan bangsa” sehingga inilah yang menyebabkan adanya semboyan bangsa Indonesia yakni,”Bhineka Tunggal Ika” yang artinya; biarpun berbeda-beda tetap satu jua. Dan bukan hanya ada pada semboyan, tetapi juga ada pada ideologi bangsa Indonesia No;4, yakni: Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.

  2. Berbagai jenis tindak kejahatanpun hampir jarang terajadi di Negara Indonesia. Seperti yang sering kita dengar di TV-TV ataupun media massa lainnya. Disebagian Negara besar, tindak kejahatan salah satu masalah yang sangat sulit untuk dihindari. Namun, tidak halnya di Indonesia. Masyarakat bisa dengan bebas melatakan benda-benda mereka, baik itu benda yang bernilai harga yang cukup tingga hingga harga yang murah. Tidak seperti Negara lain, tidak dari benda berharga saja yang sering hilang, benda bernilai rendah juga bisa hilang. Yang mana masalah ini, sangat mempengaruhi kenyamanan suatu Negara. Lalu, apa yang membuat bangsa Indonesia, bisa sangat aman? Sebagian besar dari masyarakat Indonesia adalah setiap orang berfikir, bagaimana jika diri mereka yang diperbuat demikian, bagaimana hal kejahatan tersebut mereka sendiri yang mengalami. Inilah alasan masyarakat Indonesia nyaman dan tentram. Sangat berbeda jauh dengan Negara lain. Yang mana sebagian dari diri mereka, hanya mementingkan diri sendiri (Egois ). Maka dari itu, jika anda berfikir untuk melakukan kejahatan, berfikirlah, bagaimana jika anda yang mengalami kejahatan tersebut. Jangan pernah egois.

Dari beberapa contoh diatas, hanyalah 3 dari sekian banyaknya hal yang dapat ditiru oleh Negara lain. Hal ini juga bisa terwujud di Negara anda, jika masyarakat anda dan pemerintah, sehati sepikir dalam menjalani berbagai rencana atau program yang telah direncanakan.

Demikianlah kiranya karya ini saya buat berdasarkan imajinatif tanpa ada kutipan, tetapi berdasarkan apa yang saya lihat dan pandang yang mana segala sesuatunya merupakan khayalan yang saya tidak tahu, apakah karya saya ini suatu saat akan terwujud atau selamanya akan tetap menjadi sebuah hasil karya yang tetap berwujud abstrak yang berfungsi sebagai bacaan sekedar penghibur bagi para pelaku yang ada didalamnya.

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010


The History of Newspaper

A newspaper is a publication containing news, information, and advertising. General-interest newspapers often feature articles on political events, crime, business, art/entertainment, society and sports. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing columns that express the personal opinions of writers.


Before the invention of newspapers in the early 17th century, official government bulletins were circulated at times in some centralized empires. In Ancient Rome, Acta Diurna, or government announcement bulletins, were made public by Julius Caesar. They were carved in metal or stone and posted in public places.

In China, early government-produced news sheets, called tipao, circulated among court officials during the late Han dynasty (second and third centuries AD). Between 713 and 734, the Kaiyuan Za Bao ("Bulletin of the Court") of the Chinese Tang Dynasty published government news; it was handwritten on silk and read by government officials. In 1582 there was the first reference to privately published newssheets in Beijing, during the late Ming Dynasty;

The increased cross-border interaction in early capitalist Europe created a rising need for information which was met by concise handwritten newssheets. In 1556, the government of Venice first published the monthly Notizie scritte, which cost one gazetta. These avvisi were handwritten newsletters and used to convey political, military, and economic news quickly and efficiently throughout Europe, more specifically Italy, during the early modern era (1500-1700) — sharing some characteristics of newspapers though usually not considered true newspapers.

However, none of these publications fully met the classical criteria for proper newspapers, as they were typically not intended for the general public and restricted to a certain range of topics..

(Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newspaper.)

The History of Newspaper in Europe

Title page of Carolus' Relation from 1609, the earliest newspaper. The emergence of the new media branch in the 17th century has to be seen in close connection with the spread of the printing press from which the publishing press derives it name. The German-language Relation aller Fürnemmen und gedenckwürdigen Historien, printed from 1605 onwards by Johann Carolus in Strasbourg, is often recognized as the first newspaper.

Other early papers include:

The Dutch Courante uyt Italien, Duytslandt, &c. of 1618 was the first to appear in folio- rather than quarto-size. Amsterdam, a center of world trade, quickly became home to newspapers in many languages, often before they were published in their own country. The first English-language newspaper, Corrant out of Italy, Germany, etc., was published in Amsterdam in 1620. A year and a half later, Corante, or weekely newes from Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, France and the Low Countreys. was published in England by an "N.B." (generally thought to be either Nathaniel Butter or Nicholas Bourne) and Thomas Archer. The first newspaper in France was published in 1631, La Gazette (originally published as Gazette de France). The first newspaper in Portugal, A Gazeta, was published in 1645 in Lisbon. The first Spanish newspaper, Gaceta de Madrid, was published in 1661.

Post- och Inrikes Tidningar (founded as Ordinari Post Tijdender) was first published in Sweden in 1645, and is the oldest newspaper still in existence, though it now publishes solely online. Opregte Haarlemsche Courant from Haarlem, first published in 1656, is the oldest paper still printed. The first successful English daily, The Daily Courant, was published from 1702 to 1735.

The History of Newspaper in North America

Untitled watercolor of a man reading a newspaper, about 1863, by Henry Louis Stephens. The paper's headline reports the Emancipation Proclamation. Front page of The New York Times on Armistice Day, November 11, 1918. In Boston in 1690, Benjamin Harris published Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick This is considered the first newspaper in the American colonies even though only one edition was published before the paper was suppressed by the government. In 1704, the governor allowed The Boston News-Letter to be published and it became the first continuously published newspaper in the colonies. Soon after, weekly papers began publishing in New York and Philadelphia. These early newspapers followed the British format and were usually four pages long. They mostly carried news from Britain and content depended on the editor’s interests. In 1783, the Pennsylvania Evening Post became the first American daily. In 1751, John Bushels published the Halifax Gazette, the first Canadian newspaper.

The History of Newspaper when Industrial Revolution

By the early 19th century, many cities in Europe, as well as North and South America, published newspaper-type publications though not all of them developed in the same way; content was vastly shaped by regional and cultural preferences. Advances in printing technology related to the Industrial Revolution enabled newspapers to become an even more widely circulated means of communication. In 1814, The Times (London) acquired a printing press capable of making 1,100 impressions per minute.

The Kind Of Newspaper.

While most newspapers are aimed at a broad spectrum of readers, usually geographically defined, some focus on groups of readers defined more by their interests than their location: for example, there are daily and weekly business newspapers and sports newspapers. More specialist still are some weekly newspapers, usually free and distributed within limited areas; these may serve communities as specific as certain immigrant populations, or the local gay community.


A daily newspaper is issued every day, sometimes with the exception of Sundays and some national holidays. Saturday and, where they exist, Sunday editions of daily newspapers tend to be larger, include more specialized sections and advertising inserts, and cost more. Typically, the majority of these newspapers’ staff work Monday to Friday, so the Sunday and Monday editions largely depend on content done in advance or content that is syndicated. Most daily newspapers are published in the morning. Afternoon or evening papers are aimed more at commuters and office workers.


Weekly newspapers are common and tend to be smaller than daily papers. In some cases, there also are newspapers that are published twice or three times a week. In the United States, such newspapers are generally still classified as weeklies.


Most nations have at least one newspaper that circulates throughout the whole country: a national newspaper, as contrasted with a local newspaper serving a city or region. In the United Kingdom, there are numerous national newspapers, including The Independent, The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian, The Observer, The Daily Mail, The Sun, The Daily Express and The Daily Mirror. In the United States and Canada, there are few national newspapers. Almost every market has one or two newspapers that dominate the area. Certain newspapers, notably The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and USA Today in the US, and The Globe and Mail and The National Post in Canada are available throughout the country. In India, newspapers like the Times of India, The Hindu, and the Hindustan Times are extremely popular and have large reader bases. Large metropolitan newspapers have also expanded distribution networks and with effort can be found outside their normal area. Reading the newspaper: Brookgreen Gardens in Pawleys Island, South Carolina, United States.


There is also a small group of newspapers which may be characterised as international newspapers. Some, such as The International Herald Tribune, have always had that focus, while others are repackaged national newspapers or "international editions" of national-scale or large metropolitan newspapers. Often these international editions are scaled down to remove articles that might not interest the wider range of readers.

As English has become the international language of business and technology, many newspapers formerly published only in non-English languages have also developed English-language editions. In places as varied as Jerusalem and Mumbai, newspapers are printed to a local and international English-speaking public. The advent of the Internet has also allowed the non-English newspapers to put out a scaled-down English version to give their newspaper a global outreach.

Online Newspaper.

Diario de Pernambuco, founded in 1825 is the first newspaper in all South America. Virtually all printed newspapers have online editions, which depending on the country may be regulated by journalism organizations such as the Press Complaints Commission in the UK. But as some publishers find their print-based models increasingly unsustainable, Web-based "newspapers" have also started to appear, such as the Southport Reporter in the UK and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, which stopped publishing in print after 149 years in March 2009 and went online only.

The History of Television

John Logie Baird a Scotsman as the inventor of "television" , the word itself is rather a strange adjective being formed from two words of different languages "Tele" from the Greek meaning afar and "vision " from the Latin meaning sight or seeing, thus television means seeing from afar. There is no such device as a television; there are television receivers, televisions a rarely used noun to-day, television receiving sets quite wrongly but frequently referred to as television sets. A television is the image we perceive on the screen of a television receiver. Although Baird was very popular in the press of the time he was less than popular amongst a large portion of the scientific "ELITE" he was, they thought more an entrepreneur than a scientist and unable to accept that although he was the first to demonstrate any form of real television it was a mechanical system of very limited usefulness. It was considered that the mechanical system had reached the end of its development at a stage where the electronic systems were just beginning.


Getting TV programming shown to the public can happen in many different ways. After production the next step is to market and deliver the product to whatever markets are open to using it. This typically happens on two levels:

1. Original Run or First Run: a producer creates a program of one or multiple episodes and shows it on a station or network which has either paid for the production itself or to which a license has been granted by the producers to do the same.

2. Broadcast syndication: this is the terminology rather broadly used to describe secondary programming usages (beyond original run). It includes secondary runs in the country of first issue, but also international usage which may or may not be managed by the originating producer. In many cases other companies, TV stations or individuals are engaged to do the syndication work, in other words to sell the product into the markets they are allowed to sell into by contract from the copyright holders, in most cases the producers.

The Kinds of the Program on the TV

A television program (television programme in the United Kingdom, Ireland and many Commonwealth countries) or television show is a segment of content broadcast on television. It may be a one-off broadcast or part of a periodically recurring television series.

A television series that is intended to be broadcast a finite number of episodes is usually called a miniseries or serial (although the latter term also has other meanings). A short run lasting less than a year is known in the United States and Canada as a season and in the United Kingdom and (not necessarily) the rest of the PAL countries as a series. This season or series usually consists of 15–26 instalments in the United States, but in the United Kingdom there is no defined length. United States' industry practice tends to favour longer seasons than those of some other countries.

A single instance of a program is called an episode, although particularly in the USA this is sometimes also called a "show" or "program", and in Great Britain and Ireland a "programme". A one-off broadcast may, again particularly in the USA and USA-influenced countries, be called a "special", or particularly in the UK a "special episode". A television movie or in the UK a television film ("made-for-TV" movie) is a film that is initially broadcast on television rather than being released in cinemas or direct-to-video, although many successful television movies are later released on DVD.

Today, advertisements play a role in most television programming, such that each hour of programming can contain up to 15 minutes of advertisements in some countries. By contrast, being publicly funded, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in the United Kingdom does not run advertisements, except to trail its own programmes. Its promotions appear between and near the end of programmes but not in the middle of them, much like the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in the United States and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in Australia. The number of commercial interruptions can also vary, for instance Japanese television tends to prefer fewer and longer commercial breaks while American television has several spread throughout the program. This has an impact on the writing of the show; in order to provide a smooth transition as well as keep the audience from switching channels.

The Differences Between TV and Newspaper.


Although the British have traditionally read large quantities of newspapers, newspaper circulation has fallen dramatically over the last few years. We read 20% fewer papers today than in 1990. Our papers fall in to 2 categories - broadsheet (so called because the pages are very big) and tabloid (the page size is more magazine size). The broadsheet papers are the more cerebral ones, the tabloids are the ones that have been giving the nation a bad name, but which are read in the greatest numbers. If you want to get any foreign news from a British paper I suggest you read the Times, Telegraph or Independent - and even in these the baseball results will only be given the prominence they deserve (you will find the American papers take a parallel view on say cricket scores).

Broadsheet Papers

The Times : not quite the Thunderer of old.

The Telegraph : news from a right wing angle.

The Guardian : news from a left wing point of view.

The Independent : claims to be from the centre.

The Financial Times : not much news, more financial news.

The Scotsman : a national Scots paper.

Tabloid Papers

Daily Mail : would claim to be the intellectual tabloid.

Daily Express : a bit to the right of the Mail.

The Sun : read if you have an interest in busty ladies.

The Mirror : more information on busty ladies.

Foreign papers

Available widely in central London. Outside that you will only find them if lots of you fellow countrymen frequent that part of Britain. On balance it is better to travel not expecting to find your favourite foreign paper, then it will be a bonus if you come across it.


Britain has 5 terrestrial TV channels and the usual myriad of satellite and cable channels. The non terrestrial channels only have sparse coverage - you will be lucky to find CNN. BBC has the advantage of no adverts. Region coverage is better on ITV .


the BBC's main channel - has "popular" programmer


the more specialist output from the BBC


same as BBC 1, but honed by the need to please advertisers

Channel 4

vies with BBC 2 for the up market

Channel 5

difficult to get national coverage, very few viewers, old films


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